With gratitude: celebrating our sponsors' impact and generosity!
Sun & Stars Scholarship
Community Thanks
Our Mission
The Filipino American Lawyers of San Diego is committed to ensuring that attorneys of color, particularly Filipino American attorneys, have access to equal opportunities in the legal profession. It aims to develop multicultural solutions, to foster diversification and to sustain multicultural coalitions in all channels of the legal system.
Become a volunteer with Pag-asa Law Clinic. https://www.pagasalawclinic.org/
A volunteer attorney will be assigned a case either in a field that they specialize in or together with current clinic attorneys.
Depending on their preference, volunteers may also be assigned to oversee a law student intern for either a specific case or for a term.
Pag-asa Law Clinic is seeking volunteer attorneys for three terms :
Fall – August through December (submit form by September 15)
Spring – January through May (submit form by December 15)
Summer – June through August (submit form by May 15)
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/LTMCwHKxqAGt2s6Q8
Filipino American Lawyers of San Diego stands in solidarity with the Black community, all persons of color, and all allies in demanding justice and reform. The national moment we are in demands healthy dialogue with diverse views. We must acknowledge the fact that racially motivated police brutality persists in our neighborhoods and take actionable steps to end it. To lend weight to those who insist otherwise only perpetuates the inequities that FALSD and others work hard to address.
FALSD is committed to ensuring that attorneys of color have access to equal opportunities in the legal profession. We aim to develop multicultural solutions, to foster diversification and to sustain multicultural coalitions in all channels of the legal system.
FALSD remains active in promoting true equality and justice for all. We commit to having an open discussion with our membership and interested constituents on how we best serve our community. This is an on-going conversation and we welcome all voices. Now more than ever, we must do more. Enough is enough.

Make a donation.
All donations to FALSD advance our mission of ensuring equal opportunities for attorneys of color, particularly Filipino American Attorneys.
Donations allow FALSD to fund student scholarships, support the local community and host networking and business opportunities for its members.